Support the Mabelle Community!

Simply complete the Canada Helps form on the right – where your gift will be safely processed (and a charitable tax receipt will be generated automatically).

Of course—we’d be delighted to speak to you first to get to know you and to answer any questions. Either way—you’ll hear from us—with a great big message of gratitude!

If it makes sense for you, you might consider becoming a monthly donor. Monthly gifts provide us with a stable and reliable source of funding, allowing us to plan into the future (and Canada Helps makes that easy!).

Give through your workplace!

Through your Payroll Deduction/Pension Plan

To make a donation through your payroll deduction and/or pension plan, please contact your organization’s payroll department. All donations made through your payroll deduction will appear on your T4 slip. Some companies will match employee giving.

United Way Designation

Simply include Mabelle Arts’ name and our charitable registration number (851763458RR0001) United Way will process your donation and issue you a charitable tax receipt (holding $12 of your donation as an administration fee).

United Way does not share donor lists with Mabelle Arts, but we would like to make sure we thank you for choosing our organization! Please contact us to let us know!

Name — MABELLEarts
Charitable Registration Number — 851763458RR0001
Mailing Address — 208 Osler Street, Toronto, Ontario, M6N 2Z1

Corporate Giving

Let’s talk about how a corporate gift can be celebrated in a way that resonates with both your customers and employees – we’ll do something special that makes everyone feel good. 

Any questions at all — please reach out to